Kristen Stewart

Alla inlägg under december 2009

Av kristenstewart - 20 december 2009 01:04

... har hamnat på fjärde plats över det senaste årtiondets "Movie Moment"! Det är 25 moment med, och på fjärde plats hittar vi alltså bilkrach-scenen.

4. Edward saves Bella from a car accident in 'Twilight' (2008)

The movie that propelled a phenomenon, this scene had pre-pubescent girls and middle-aged women equally putting their hands over their eyes.

Av kristenstewart - 19 december 2009 21:03

I en intervju med Bryce Dallas Howard (hon spelar Victoria i Eclipse, tredje filmen i Twilight sagan) med MTV så pratar hon lite kort om Kristen.

MTV: Kristen Stewart recently told us that you were "such a good actress" during the "Eclipse" shoot that "it was easy to be scared" of you. What were your thoughts working with her while she continued to develop such an iconic role?

Howard: Kristen is fantastic and so, so passionate about this role and this character. First, as a fan of the books it was such a relief to go onto set and see how seriously everyone was taking it. And, yeah, Kristen was incredible to work with, incredible.

Läs hela intervjun här. (Kristen nämns inte mer.)

Av kristenstewart - 19 december 2009 20:54

She's had a whirlwind year and more hair and makeup changes than a Britney Spears concert, so it's no surprise that Kristen Stewart topped our readers' list of trendsetters for 2009. While we love Kristen, those of us at Sugar HQ have a soft spot for someone whose beauty antics were endlessly entertaining and inspiring — the one and only Lady Gaga. We know she's wild and wanton, and we adore her for it. Baby girl is single-handedly bringing the avant-garde back to pop music, and we wholeheartedly approve.

Av kristenstewart - 19 december 2009 12:40

Två av filmerna Kristen är med i är med på listan på E! Online. Adventureland och New Moon. De har ingen placering eftersom röstning pågår. Just nu leder New Moon överlägset. Keep voting! Jag hoppas länken fungerar, jag brukar ha lite problem med just E! Online. Klicka här och sedan kan du klicka dig vidare till röstningen.

Kristen Stewart som Bella Swan i New Moon

Kristen som Bella i The Twilight Saga. :)

Av kristenstewart - 19 december 2009 00:09

Kristen och sin stunt double i The Yellow Handkerchief.

Kristen Stewart and her The Yellow Handkerchief stunt double


Av kristenstewart - 19 december 2009 00:01

Hit! Kristen Stewart

Coffey is a fan of Stewart’s shorter, darker locks. She says her long hair was “boring” and the new cut gives “her a little more edge.”

Se de andra på listan här.

Och den stora frågan: Vad tycker du Kstew passar bäst i?

Jag tycker svart och kort. Varför tror ni att jag färgade mitt hår svart strax efter att Kris gjorde det..?

Av kristenstewart - 18 december 2009 20:49

Dialogen i klippet:

Kristen Stewart/Martine: No messages. Not one message and I left for a day.

William Hurt/Brett: He probably tried you at home. (Jag hör inte riktigt vad han säger här, men jag tror han säger detta?)

Martine: You heard me cryin'.. last night? I wonder how many times a day I cry. I should count one day. I bet I'd be amazed. ... Do you cry?

Brett: No... I don't anymore.

Martine: You can cry around me. If you want to.

Av kristenstewart - 18 december 2009 18:50

Adventureland som Kristen är med i är på plats nummer 10 på listan.


Det här har han skrivit om filmen:

Remember that summer job you had in college — the cruddy one that somehow coincided with growing up? Greg Mottola's lovely comedy about an earnest, virginal liberal-arts geek (Jesse Eisenberg) working at an amusement park in 1987 brings you right back to those wistful summertime blues. It's also the first film that captures the '80s — not just the clothes, music, hair, and slang but the vibe — with the sublimely nostalgic texture that Dazed and Confused brought to the '70s and American Graffiti to the end of the greaser era. Eisenberg proves a true star, finding a way to make insecurity sexy, and if you think Kristen Stewart is a one-trick Twilight pony, just check out her work here. She's saucy and gorgeously neurotic, a girl born to make you go: Hey now, don't dream it's over.

Se de andra på listan här (källa).

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